You can use the list below to jump to any film you want, and use the arrow on the bottom right to jump back up to the top of the page. Each image enlarges if you click on it.
If you’re interested in an image for publication, please contact me for permission.
This page is only for images from the films.
Please visit this page for portraits, for photos taken during shooting and editing, from screenings, and for posters from various films.
There’s also an homage to translators, and a final section about….swimming pools! 🙂
But No One
Cinetracts 5/10/20
Cool Hands, Warm Heart
Damned If You Don’t
Edited By: The Companion Film
First Comes Love
From the Ground Up
Gently Down the Stream
Gut Renovation
The Head of a Pin
Hide and Seek
I Cannot Tell You How I Feel
Jerusalema: From Austria to Zimbabwe
The Lesbian Avengers Eat Fire, Too
The Odds of Recovery
Practice Makes Perfect
Queen Takes Pawn
Rules of the Road
Scar Tissue
Seeing Red
Sink or Swim
The Ties That Bind
But No One